Most people do not realize there are four different approaches to a problem. Unfortunately, because of this confusion, problems often go unresolved and new problems are created. Flowcess' approach looks to dissolve problems and help others to learn how to dissolve their problems. Watch the video "Dissolving Problems vs Solving Problems" to learn more.
Whether we realize it or not, we all have a model for everything we think, say, and do. The thing most people don't realize is that there are only four different types of models, and only one of them gives the ultimate dissolve solution. The ultimate solution can prove why every other model is actually hurting people. We to like illustrate the differences between these four models by telling the story of scurvy, and why it took more than two thousand years to find the cure.
Using our "Vitamin C" approach, Flowcess can intentionally dissolve any problem, regardless of the context. This is only possible because we have identified the intangible cause (Step 1) and the first tangible cause (Step 2). We like to illustrate how these models work together using our Driver & Car model.
The driver in Flowcess' Driver & Car model is the intangible cause. It's the Step 1 we're talking about, which is the uniqueness of the individual. Understanding a person's uniqueness is the key to communicating, respecting, and connecting with the individual. It helps people to feel known and develops a safe environment from which creativity and generativity can occur. Personality tests do not get to the person's uniqueness because personalities change over time. Regardless of the context, a person's uniqueness will never change. This short video explains the dangers of treating personality tests as the intangible cause.
We do everything through a thought process. The car in Flowcess’ Driver & Car model is the first tangible cause. This is the individual’s thought process in their brain. There are only four thought processes an individual can be in: Generativity (10), Sustainability (80), Deterioration (160) or Destruction (320). The health and success of the individual is determined by how they use the four thought processes. Flowcess helps people understand how to intentionally approach people the right way using these four thought processes.
Your experience is valid! If addressing an issue is ten steps, your experience gives you steps 3 through 10. We use an analogy to illustrate how this works. You have all the tools you need, but they are all in different piles. When you address an issue, you pick a pile, you pick a tool, and then you use it. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
Our Step 1 and Step 2 are like a wall storage unit for your tools. By identifying Step 1 and Step 2, the next time you address an issue, you will be able to go to a specific section of the storage unit and select any of your tools in that section, and it will work every time.
There are no zero events to the brain. Everything you think and do either makes your brain healthier or unhealthier. Most people spend 51% of their time doing healthy things and 49% of their time doing unhealthy things because they don’t realize which things are healthy and which are unhealthy.
Flowcess doesn’t tell people what to do. We teach people how their mind (Step 1) and their brain (Step 2) work which allows them to make healthy progress faster!
We have found when people learn this information, they are able to choose to do healthy things 90% of the time and live healthier, happier lives! Remember, your experience is valid. If we had to teach you something you have never done, it could take months to see progress. Our clients make dramatic improvements in their lives after their first lesson!
How did we discover this life-changing information? Click the button below if you are interested in an in-depth explanation for the foundation of our 29 years of research! We would love to share our findings with you!
Our Research